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교황이 유럽의 일회성 낭비 문화를 비난하다. (Pope attacks Europe's throwaway culture) :: co(com,con,col,cor) 어휘 찾기 - 9 / 서면 번역 / 서면 번역업체 / 부전동 번역의뢰 / 해운대 번역 / 문현 번역 / consumpt..

교황이 유럽의 일회성 낭비 문화를 비난하다. (Pope attacks Europe's throwaway culture) :: co(com,con,col,cor) 어휘 찾기 - 9 / 서면 번역 /  서면 번역업체 / 부전동 번역의뢰 / 해운대 번역 / 문현 번역 / consumption 어원 / consequence 어원 / consequence 어원

  co(com,con,col,cor) -  영어 어원 어휘 찾기  :: 교황이 유럽의 일회성 낭비 문화를 비난하다.

Pope Francis delivered a damning message to European leaders on Tuesday when he addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg. He denounced what he saw as Europe's 'throwaway culture' where the elderly, the terminally ill and unborn children are ignored. He said technology and economics were more important to politicians than those suffering. He told his audience: "Men and women risk being reduced to mere cogs in a machine that treats them as items of consumption[각주:1] to be exploited, with the result that whenever a human life no longer proves useful for that machine, it is discarded." He added: "It is the inevitable consequence [각주:2]of a throwaway culture, and an uncontrolled consumerism[각주:3]".

The Pope was very critical of Europe's politicians and systems. He warned that Europe's once dynamic, caring and artistic cultures were being eroded by red tape, saying: "The great ideas which once inspired Europe seem to have lost their attraction, only to be replaced by the bureaucratic technicalities of its institutions." He said bureaucracy was "perceived as insensitive to individual peoples, if not downright harmful". The Pope said Europe risked losing its sense of community[각주:4], saying: "One of the most common[각주:5] diseases in Europe today is the loneliness typical of those who have no connection[각주:6] with others. This is especially true of the elderly, who are often abandoned to their fate, and also in the young."

출처 : 

  co(com,con,col,cor) -  관련  어휘

co(com,con,cor, col) 함께, 완전히 - 영어 어원의 의미

Pope Francis삭제 교황삭제 일회용 문화삭제attacks삭제 Europe's throwaway culture삭제throwaway culture삭제 throwaway삭제서면 번역삭제 서면 번역업체삭제부전동 번역의뢰삭제 해운대 번역삭제문현 번역삭제delivered a damning message삭제damning삭제delivered a damning message to삭제European leaders삭제 on Tuesday삭제when he addressed삭제the European Parliament삭제 Strasbourg삭제addressed the European Parliament삭제denounced삭제 what he saw삭제Europe's 'throwaway culture'삭제 elderly삭제the terminally삭제 terminally ill삭제unborn children삭제 He said삭제광주번역삭제 대구번역삭제 부산 번역삭제부산 서면 번역삭제 부산 영어번역삭제부산 중앙동 번역삭제 부산번역공증삭제부산번역법인삭제 부산번역업체삭제부산번역의뢰삭제 부산번역프리랜서삭제부산번역회사삭제 부산초량번역삭제부산통역삭제 부전동 번역삭제서면 번역 업체삭제 서면 번역 회사삭제서면 영어번역삭제 서면 영어회화삭제서면 일본어 회화삭제 서면일본어삭제영어 어원삭제 전포동 번역삭제도로에 난 구멍삭제 politicians삭제more important to politicians삭제his audience:삭제 told his audience삭제Men and women삭제 being reduced삭제mere삭제 mere cogs삭제 treats them삭제as items of consumption삭제 human life삭제no longer proves삭제 useful for삭제discarded삭제 inevitable consequence삭제downright삭제 harmful삭제 if not삭제as insensitive to individual peoples삭제bureaucratic technicalities삭제technicalities삭제 its institutions삭제bureaucracy삭제 losing삭제connection with삭제 consequence삭제inevitable consequence삭제호라이즌번역원삭제

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  4. 공동체(共同體), 주민, 지역 사회(社會) [본문으로]
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