Researchers work out Santa Claus' salary :: co(com,con,col,cor) 어휘 찾기 - 2 / 부산 번역 / 이력서 번역 / 뉴스 번역 / 산타클로스
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People have wondered for years what Santa does and how he does it for free.
Researchers have now come up with 1 an answer to these age-old questions.
The insurance company has calculated a hypothetical figure of $139,924 for Santa's efforts this year. 2
This is a 1.5 per cent increase on last year, which is in keeping with austerity measures suffered by most people around the world. The figure is roughly twice the amount that caregivers in the USA would receive.
Researchers at created a list of the various jobs Santa performs throughout the year to create a job description. They then estimated the total time spent on each task to get the final figure for Santa's annual salary.
The researchers discovered that Santa is indeed a multi-skilled worker, who pretty much has to be a jack of all trades. Among his skills are reindeer handling, gift wrapping, chimney expert and map reader. The vast majority of his salary, however, comes 3from managing his toy factory. It is estimated the bearded one spends 2,912 hours a year organizing his elves and making sure toys for the world's children are of the right quality.
He gets the standard $40.09 an hour for this. His highest hourly rate is for the ten hours he spends being a sleigh pilot and delivering presents.
Comparisons were made with airline pilots and researchers reckoned a sleigh pilot would earn $62.31 an hour. 4
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they unhooked and used the big team to jerk the loaded sleigh out of the drift.
부산 번역 이력서 번역 뉴스 번역산타클로스 have wonderedfor years SantaResearchers work out Santa Claus' salarySanta Claus' salary Santa Claushow he does it for freeResearchers come upcome up with an answerage-old questions insure.comThe insurance companyinsurance company has calculateda hypothetical figurefigure of $139,924 for Santa's effortsthis year a 1.5 per centper cent increase on last yearwhich is in keeping withausterity measures suffered bymost people around the world.The figure caregiversin the USA a list of the various jobsthroughout the year job descriptionestimated on each taskthe final figure annual salaryindeed multi-skilled workerhas to be a jack of all tradesreindeer handling gift wrappingchimney readerThe vast majority his salaryIt is estimated comes from managingtoy factory bearded oneorganizing his elvesmaking sure toys the right qualitygets the standard $40.09an hour for this highest hourly rateten hours being a sleigh pilotdelivering presents Comparisons산타클로스 급여