영어 어원 I 뉴스별/C

맥도날드는 유전자 변형 감자 튀김은 제공하지 않음을 발표하다. (McDonald's says no GM French fries) :: co(com,con,col,cor) 어휘 찾기 - 13 / 영어 번역 / 영어 어원 / 번역 회사 / 번역 업체 / 문현동 번역 / ..

^___^ 2014. 12. 19. 12:15

맥도날드는 유전자 변형 프렌치 프라이는 제공하지 않음을 발표하였다. (McDonald's says no GM French fries) :: co(com,con,col,cor) 어휘 찾기 - 13 / 영어 번역 /  영어 어원 /  번역 회사 / 번역 업체 / 문현동 번역 /  무역 번역  

  co(com,con,col,cor) -  영어 어원 어휘 찾기  :: 맥도날드는 유전자 변형 프렌치 프라이는 제공하지 않음을 발표하다. 

The U.S. government has said a new, genetically modified potato is OK to eat, but McDonald's said it will not use it in its French fries and hash browns. The potato company[각주:1] said it changed the DNA of normal potatoes to make the vegetables better. It said the new potato has less sugar and fewer things inside it that can give people cancer. It also said the potatoes are stronger. It was confident that people would buy the new potato in supermarkets. McDonald's made a statement about the new potato. It said: "McDonald's USA does not source GMO potatoes, nor do we have current plans to change our sourcing practices." The company[각주:2] did not say what it thought of McDonald's not using its new potato.

French fries are one of the most commonly eaten foods in the world. They are very popular with fast food restaurants. The expression 'French Fried Potatoes' was first used in English in an 1856 book called 'Cookery for Maids of All Work'. In the early 20th century, the term 'French fried' was being used to mean 'deep-fried'. Food historians say French fries actually come from [각주:3]Belgium and not France. Both countries say they were the first company[각주:4] to cook French fries. Belgians say the word 'French fries' is used instead of 'Belgian fries' because France has a worldwide image for good food. Some people think the term 'French' was used when U.S. soldiers arrived in Europe during World War I.

  co(com,con,col,cor) -  관련  어휘

co(com,con,cor, col) 함께, 완전히 - 영어 어원의 의미


영어 어원

의미(관련 한자)어휘

 come from com : 함께 from: ~에서 나오다, ~에서 나오다. (~로부터 현재 함께하다.)


 com(함께) + on + ly(부사형 어미)

  반(般(반)돌릴)적으로, 상식적으로

 company  com(함께) pany : 빵을 먹는 사람들  회사(社), 기업, 행자(行者)

U.S. government삭제 genetically modified삭제OK to eat삭제 McDonald삭제 영어 어원삭제영어 번역삭제 번역 회사삭제 번역 업체삭제문현동 번역삭제 무역 번역삭제in its French fries삭제 French fries삭제hash browns삭제 hash brown삭제 DNA삭제it changed삭제 vegetables삭제new potato삭제 less sugar삭제has less sugar삭제 cancer삭제 it that삭제it that can삭제 give people cancer삭제It also said삭제 stronger삭제 potatoes삭제감자삭제 It was confident삭제 would buy삭제the new potato삭제 supermarkets삭제made a statement삭제 statement about삭제McDonald's USA삭제 McDonald's삭제does not source삭제 GMO potatoes삭제sourcing practices삭제 what it삭제what it thought삭제 what it thought of삭제commonly삭제 프렌치 프라이즈삭제eaten foods삭제 in the world.삭제are very popular삭제 very popular삭제popular with삭제 fast food restaurants삭제French Fried Potatoes삭제was first used in English삭제 used in삭제Cookery for Maids of All Work삭제early 20th century삭제 the term삭제French fried삭제 being used to삭제deep-fried삭제 Food historians삭제음식 역사학자삭제 Belgium삭제come from삭제 company삭제 France삭제U.S. soldiers삭제 arrived in Europe삭제World War I.삭제 광주번역삭제 대구번역삭제부산 번역삭제 부산 서면 번역삭제부산 영어번역삭제 부산 중앙동 번역삭제부산번역공증삭제 부산번역법인삭제부산번역업체삭제 부산번역의뢰삭제부산번역프리랜서삭제 부산번역회사삭제부산초량번역삭제 부산통역삭제부전동 번역삭제 서면 번역삭제서면 번역 업체삭제 서면 번역 회사삭제서면 영어번역삭제 서면 영어회화삭제서면 일본어 회화삭제 서면일본어삭제전포동 번역삭제 맥도날드삭제유전자 변형삭제 유전자 변형 음식삭제유전자 조작 감자삭제 유전자삭제유전자 변형 감자삭제유전자 변형 포테이토삭제 McDonalds삭제감자 튀김삭제

  1. 회사(會社), 기업, 동행자(同行者) [본문으로]
  2. 회사(會社), 기업, 동행자(同行者) [본문으로]
  3. 나오다, ~에서 나오다. (~로부터 현재 함께하다.) [본문으로]
  4. 회사(會社), 기업, 동행자(同行者) [본문으로]